Main FunctionsThe most important functions to analyze mass spectrometry data with lots of missing values |
Column wise median normalization of the data matrix |
Main function to fit the probabilistic dropout model |
Distance method for 'proDAFit' object |
Identify differentially abundant proteins |
Accessor methodsMethods to access values of the fit |
Get different features and elements of the 'proDAFit' object |
Fluent use of accessor methods |
Quick start functions |
Row-wise tests of difference using the probabilistic dropout model |
Generate a dataset according to the probabilistic dropout model |
Low-level statistics functions |
Fit a single linear probabilistic dropout model |
Inverse probit function |
Predict the parameters or values of additional proteins |
Utility function |
apply function that always returns a numeric matrix |
Class and Package Information |
proDA Class Definition |
proDA: Identify differentially abundant proteins in label-free mass spectrometry |
Generic functionsFunction definitions for S4 Generics |
Get the abundance matrix |
Get the coefficients |
Get the coefficients |
Get the convergence information |
Calculate an approximate distance for 'object' |
Get the feature parameters |
Get the hyper parameters |
Get the reference level |
Get the result_names |
All functions |
Get the abundance matrix |
Get different features and elements of the 'proDAFit' object |
Fluent use of accessor methods |
Get the coefficients |
Get the coefficients |
Get the convergence information |
Distance method for 'proDAFit' object |
Calculate an approximate distance for 'object' |
Get the feature parameters |
Generate a dataset according to the probabilistic dropout model |
Get the hyper parameters |
Inverse probit function |
Column wise median normalization of the data matrix |
apply function that always returns a numeric matrix |
Fit a single linear probabilistic dropout model |
Row-wise tests of difference using the probabilistic dropout model |
Predict the parameters or values of additional proteins |
Main function to fit the probabilistic dropout model |
proDA Class Definition |
proDA: Identify differentially abundant proteins in label-free mass spectrometry |
Get the reference level |
Identify differentially abundant proteins |